February 6, 2006

What is friendship and what are friends

Hari Isnin seperti biasa, hari e mail saya akan tertimbun timbun dgn apa apa entah maklumat dari dlm opis, luar opis dlm negara atau luar negara… (mcm best sebenarnyer sbb opis ni ada kat luar negara …bukan personal, nak harap personal dari luar negara…. saya tak le sebest tu)

Mmg hari ini tak syiok sbb Monday tapi saya rasa sungguh syiok sbb dua org kwn dari Sydney kembali ker opis. Masa kat sana dulu byk aktiviti saya buat dgn dua org ni. Sampai sini diorang masih kat sana, rindu kat diorang, tapi skrg diorang dah balik. Best sgt. Sya tahu mereka tak baca blog ni tapi saya just nak beritahu “ W** L** dan C******, I am so happy that you are back in the office. You are among my best workmate and my best friends. I love you both guys. Hari ini ditengah tengah kesibukan keje dan kemenyampahan kpd beberapa isu tpt keje, tetiba saya terasa long lost friendship yg kami ada dulu. Masa dedulu semua kami baru lagi kat tpt ni. Kami semua training sesame, walaupun a few dah senior masa tu. We enjoyed ourselves so much. We were close friends in the office. We celebrate birthdays together, this small group of friends knows sekapal and they accept me as I am. Yeah the senget me. They are good with my partner and I am very happy for that. After a while, some of us got promoted and the fellowship just gradually breaking off to pieces. Not that there were jealous, but because some of us are really busy and they feel like we are “fraternizing with the enemy”. Its not that friends. It’s our job. It was stated in our new JD and as an employee, we have to follow our JD or they’ll sack us.

Sometimes I just wish that they understand how we feel to deal with you friends as our subordinates. I know I shouldn’t say this but I want all of you to know that its not nice to give some instructions to my own friends, see. But yeah, work is work, we are working and work is work. Some can take it slowly and they are better now since they can see but for some who cant see, we can’t do anything. We are trying our best, but to be fair is to be fair when it comes to work.

I know that they are not reading this blog but L***, A***, C******, S***, P*******, P***, S****, D***l, W**L**, K******, R******, A*****. I just want to say that you guys keep me happy at work and I love all of you.

Special for A*****, even now you are not one of those who manage, I still honor you as one of the best TL. I respect your decision and I am happy for you. Yeah, your health is the most important thing and I wish you happiness.

D*** yg baru beli kereta baru yg vogue, nnt I nak naik kereta you tau. Jgn lupa tu.

S****, L***, R*****, yeah hopefully we’ll help each others out and we’ll work things out together, hopefully better.
Pals, you give me strength day after day. I am happy just to see you around.

-chefD yg nostalgik sikit hari nih-