November 30, 2005

Makcik sungguh marah….. ngamuk sikit… Huwaaaaaa!!!!!!

Dulu, when I was working with company ABDCDE and stationed at XYZ, (the far away land), I applied for this program, hoping to be one of their lecturer and continue my master and PhD. But there’s something went wrong and my status was hanging. So, I wasn’t willing to wait and I came back to KL; did some freelancing until I get this job with this FGHI, international company. While working with this company, I was promoted and now here I am. I totally erased the plan I made before and I started brand new with my life.
This morning I received a call from this JKLMN University telling me that they already short-listed me for an interview for “Rancangan Latihan Kakitangan” . First I was so excited knowing that I can proceed my master and PhD because I already submitted my application and my proposal before I actually decided to come back to KL. But then I realize that…; true, I’ll spend four years in Australia to complete my study but I’ll be back to the campus and proceed my entire life there and continue the saga??? …. Mmmm I don’t think so.

Tetapi, yg I benci ialah, dulu aku beriya nak tak nak kasik, la ni aku dah suka apa yg aku ada, baru terhegeh hegeh nak panggil. Dah la tarikh tu aku ada training menarik kat tpt best. Kalau aku tak gi training tu apa aku nak jawab kat boss mat saleh aku tuh? Sah mamat tu cekik aku. Aku jumpa HR, dia kata “U biar betul, nnt U kena menghadap pak cik tu, training tu dah ler mahal U” … ceh … keadaan poyo yg aku gilerrr benci…. BLUEEEKKKKKKKKKKKKK !!!!!!

Aku akan tolak dan aku akan teruskan dgn apa yg aku ada je la.... rezeki tu akan ada di mana mana. InsyaAllah.