November 16, 2005

Ada apa dgn umur…

Happy birthday to you …happy birthday to you…. Sememangnyer umur kita semakin hari semakin meningkat. Mana ada org umur semakin hari semakin kurang. Hari ini sekapal tidak dapat lagi menulis, jadi aku lah kena update, ganti lah katakan.
Sebenarnya aku tercetus nak tulis pasal umur ni sbb semlm barulah pertama kalinyer aku berpeluang melawat byk blog kgkwn yg lain. Anne, Is, semlm baru first time saya jenguk blog awak. Menarik, kamu berdua mmg romantic to each other. Auuwww. Semlm juga pertama kalinyer aku membrowse byk blog blog lain. Daripada pemerhatian aku, aku rasa ramai bloggers yg mcm “kita” ni still at their very young age. Some of you guys are still in secondary school. I was shocked. For few reasons la, pertamanyer, sungguh celik IT muda mudi sekarang ni, blog pun not bad, byk yg even better compare to even this plain blog. But the fact yg memeranjatkan ialah di usia semuda ini mereka telah tahu yg they are “different”. Rasanyer ramai yg dah tahu yg kami berdua ni dah reaching 30. Yes friends, we are. Mmg age tu tak le penting mana, tapi utk yg muda muda ni, kejarlah dulu cita cita, be someone and please prioritize your objective in life. Enjoy boleh, main boleh, tapi don’t forget your responsibility not to other people but firstly to yourself. Think, in 20 years time, where will you be? Who will you be. Set your target clearly and do your best. Then you will have a good life in 20 years time. I am sure you know what is best for yourself.

That is actually not my main point. My point is that now I realize how old I am and as a person this age there are few things that I already did in my younger days and no longer feel the enjoyment or the euphoric feeling of doing it. These are among a few:

1. No longer feel the joy to fool around – kalau dulu seronoknyer tipu tipu sana sini menyamar la apa lah kat online life. Now? No more. Dah malas. I don’t mind people know the real me, nak terima terima lah… tak nak pun tak per. At least I have few “true friends”, yeah hopefully.

2. No time to allocate for complicated things - kalau dulu boleh la, kengkonon nak jadi Nancy Drew ker utk menyiasat bebenda yg nampak blur. Nak tgk org caught red handed ker, nak katoi kan org ker.. ada rasa seronok. But now, no. I don’t have time for all these. Now I want something clear, tak de dolak dalik apa ker. I know sometimes ppl have their own reasons ker apa ker, but skrg I don’t have the excitement to explore. For me now, “black” is black and “white” is white. I think I am just too old for “grey” area.

3. Dulu kalau ramai peminat, suka, rasa glamer. Skrg, I rasa dah tak larat nak memeningkan kepala utk bebenda tu. I already have a partner and I am very happy. Dah la tu. Byk lagi perkara lain yg memeningkan kepala. Contohnyer kucing I membebel dan kerenah kerja yg entah apa apa entah lagi (betul lah Is, kita ni mmg dah tua lah kot).

4. Kalau dulu berjln tu kalau adventurous seronok. Camping di tempat mencabar seronok, baru lah feel. Skrg, bercuti maknanyer cutila. Nak rileks, rehat, segalanyer senang. Enjoy enjoy, mkn lepak dgn geng, lepak lagi, borak dan tido. Guys, the weekend was great. It was awesome.
aD, Anne, Is, uL, nnt kita gi Sabah nak (before kita plan gi lebih jauh)? Tak de makna nak daki gunung, lepak Kinabalu park aje lah yer. Makcik dah tua dah tak larat dah.

Last but not least, whatever it is, pesanan I utk diri sendiri je ni "dah tua tua ni toksah lah nak wat perangai muda mudi" kpd my significant other. Saya tahu saya ni dah tua, tak yah ingat saya nak buat perangai memuda saya tu, saya dah penat.

Thanks to be the one next to me through my ups and downs, through my young and old days, thanks for the patience, I appreciate it so much eventhough I am not good at saying or expressing things but just to let you know that you mean the world to me. :-)

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