February 6, 2007


entry semlm ada kapal bercerita ttg extreme makeover, yg literally mmg ada berkaitan dgn pembedahan plastik hence muka plastik la.

Tapi apakah sebenarnyer muka plastik?ini bukan bahasa melayu standard yer (takut kena saman dgn DBP, kena la ada disclaimer). To me the term "muka plastik" is when we have to hide our true feelings on something (that might be reflected with our facial expression) to make everything look politically right. Why I said politically right? BEcause we definitely don't have the intention to create a scene or just to make sure that everyone is happy. For example, if majority likes to eat crab and you can't eat crab because you've encounter some tragic experience with crab (like ada cacing dlm ketam ker), obviously to be frank here (like saying "dulu I pernah mkn ketam ada cacing") would be politically wrong. Therefore say la something nice like, I'm full or I love crab but i can't take that, got allergic reaction ker apa ker la. So you hide true feeling towards that crab, ergo "muka plastik"...OK?

I am a person who can't really hide my true feeling. I can la but not more than 1 hour. But the more "unlikely statement" i hear, the lesser my ability to hide la. With my disability here, I always envy people who can really do that. Why? because I need it, especially in the office sometimes or in my daily life sometimes; perhaps with my parents sometimes (especially when they seriously bug me with annoying statement such as "tu la,bila lagi nak kawin ni, cecepat la cari pasangan" followed by "dah janji dan ada org nak dtg bulan March ni" .....) if only I can pretend, i would hide my feeling nicely, so I won't hurt my parents, but me... I just can't and my facial expression and that will aggravate them more (therefore ignore and go off?...eeerrrrr...mmm)

Adakah isunyer berpura pura di sini? Or to maintain the serenity or mental stability? Either way, it will go back to our deepest intention.
