January 10, 2007

Pencarian aku tentang Berbagi Suami

Aku nak ucapkan timakasih kepada acik uL sebab membuka mata tentang Berbagi Suami cerita ini. heheh.
Oleh sebab itu juga lah aku dok menerawang di sekeliling laman sesawang yg byk sawang nih mencari sinopsis yg agak decent utk cerita ke dua dlm filem itu. Hasilnya, aku jumpa satu artikel yg ada penggunaan ayat yg unik, yg menarik perhatian aku..

Siti is a Javanese village girl who has high hopes for a better life in the metropolitan city of Jakarta. Her dreams are shattered once she realizes that living in the slum of the city in a polygamous household of her own uncle will not take her anywhere. The notion of three women living under one roof and serving one husband itself is constantly disturbing her. The only reason for her to survive is the growing intimacy with one of the other wives. One night Siti has to help the second wife deliver her baby unassisted by a doctor or a mid-wife when the master of the household barges in unannounced, stone drunk with a stranger hanging on his arm. The stranger is introduced as his newly acquired fourth wife. His insensitive behavior enrages Siti and this urged her to explore the new possibilities of freedom and choices that she makes with her life.

Interesting use of words, in my opinion la kan...
However, in my current situation, choices yes, but not freedom...